[python-win32] Query on - win32 impersonate user

Vikas NV vikas.nv at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 09:55:08 CEST 2009


I have been trying to use the Impersonate user code that you have in
the PyWin32.chm document.
The code that I am trying is :
import win32security
import win32con
import win32api

class Impersonate:
    def __init__(self,login,password):
    def logon(self):

    def logoff(self):
        win32security.RevertToSelf() #terminates impersonation
        self.handel.Close() #guarantees cleanup

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import os
    import sys
    sys.stdout.write ('Start process as ')
    obj = Impersonate('another_user', '01928348')
    print win32api.GetUserName()
    os.system('bash sleep.sh')

The sleep.sh this script uses has these commands "touch file1; sleep

I am running this on Windows XP and with MKS toolkit installed on it
(so i can use 'bash', as in the code). I am currently logged in as

So when I see the task manager while the python script runs, the
sleep.sh is invoked as user 'Vikas' instead as 'another_user'.
And also the file that sleep.sh touches 'file1' has owner as 'Vikas'
instead of 'another_user'
So my query is that why is sleep.sh run as Vikas even though I
impersonate as 'another_user' ? Following the question, why is the
owner of file1 is 'Vikas' instead of 'another_user' ?

Vikas N V
mob: 9900107434
Visit my BLOG: http://techdiary-viki.blogspot.com/
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