[python-win32] win32com gencache InvokeTypes and OUT/ByRef parameters

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 07:55:15 CEST 2009

On 12/06/2009 6:58 AM, Hibiki Kanzaki wrote:
> I am using a COM library from Python.  The methods
> have OUT parameters, so I am using the gencache/makepy
> facility of win32com.  When it generates the wrapper
> files, there are function definitions like this one
> (this is for accessing Visual SourceSafe COM Automation)
> 	# Result is of type IVSSItem
> 	# The method VSSItem is actually a property, but must be used as a
> method to correctly pass the arguments
> 	def VSSItem(self, Spec=defaultNamedNotOptArg, Deleted=False):
> 		ret = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(6, LCID, 2, (9, 0), ((8, 1), (11, 49)),Spec
> 			, Deleted, ppIVSSItem)
> 		if ret is not None:
> 			ret = Dispatch(ret, u'VSSItem', '{2A0DE0E7-2E9F-11D0-9236-00AA00A1EB95}')
> 		return ret

Thanks for the detailed report and analysis.  Sadly I can't reproduce 
this problem.  I even found the IDL for VSSItem at 
and added the same IDL to the test suite (which already had something 
*very* close), but it works fine.

In that same module you mentioned, _BuildArgList() is reponsible for 
that extra name:

def _BuildArgList(fdesc, names):
     "Builds list of args to the underlying Invoke method."
     # Word has TypeInfo for Insert() method, but says "no args"
     numArgs = max(fdesc[6], len(fdesc[2]))

but what should be happening is that 'ppIVSSItem' should not appear in 
the list of 'names' at all - it is a return value.  It should also not 
appear in 'fdesc[6]' (a list of tuples, one for each arg) and it isn't - 
the generated code you pasted shows fdesc[6] is '((8, 1), (11, 49))', so 
correctly has only 2 args.

after lots of going around in circles, I suspect that last line above is 
the problem: if you change that to simply:

     numArgs = len(fdesc[2])

does the problem go away?  I'm not sure that is the correct solution in 
all cases, but it would be good to know how it works in this case...



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