[python-win32] Permission denied erro while copying file from remote machine to local using win32wnet.WnetAddConnection

siddhartha veedaluru siddhartha.veedaluru at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 10:05:22 CEST 2009


I have used the following code snippet to copy files or folder from remote
machine to local machine.
I have used the same method to copy files to remote machine.

Can  some one point me to solve this?


Help needed to copy files or folders from remote machne ot lcoal one and
also remote to remote copy if possible.


def netToLocalCopy(hostName, userName, password, source, destPath,
    "Copies files or directories from a remote computer to local machine."
    #Establish the connection to remote machine
    wnet_connect(hostName, userName, password)
    # Get the UNC Path of the Destination Path
    src_dir = convert_unc(hostName, source)
    # Pad a backslash to the destination directory if not provided.
    if not destPath[len(destPath) - 1] == '\\':
        destPath = ''.join([destPath, '\\'])
    mesg = "Copying %s  to %s Destination Directory on local host" %
(src_dir, destPath)
    print mesg

    # Create the destination dir if its not there.
    if not os.path.exists(destPath):
        # Create a directory anyway if file exists so as to raise an error.
        if not os.path.isdir(destPath):
    print os.listdir(src_dir)
        if move:
            shutil.move(src_dir, destPath)
            shutil.copy(src_dir, destPath)
    except OSError, erno:
        print erno
        print sys.exc_info()
        return 1
    return 0

 shutil.copy(src_dir, destPath)
  File "C:\Python25\lib\shutil.py", line 80, in copy
    copyfile(src, dst)
  File "C:\Python25\lib\shutil.py", line 46, in copyfile
    fsrc = open(src, 'rb')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\\\test7\\G$\\Test Lib'
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