[python-win32] User transparent authentication with PDC
le dahut
le.dahut at laposte.net
Wed Mar 11 10:47:42 CET 2009
I come back with this subject because I still experience some difficulties.
I understand well now the principle of "sspi.py".
The problem is that the server is a Linux box, I can obviously not use
pywin32 on it so how can I manage to do the same thing ?
I'm thinking about a ntlm compatible proxy which is able to do
transparent win32 authentication.
Any ideas ?
Mark Hammond wrote :
> On 21/01/2009 3:35 AM, le dahut wrote:
>> I thought using some sort of NTLM like in squid. Your example deals with
>> NTLM but reading "Lib/site-packages/win32/lib/sspi.py" I don't
>> understand everything.
> >
> > Can you enlight me ?
> >
> In general, NTLM auth is tricky, but enlightenment can probably only
> come from reading the MSDN articles on the various functions used. But
> in summary, the auth-process is multi-step - generate a request token,
> get a response token, generate another request token from that response,
> then get a final response with the final auth token. At the end if
> this, all you get is a token which identifies the user, and depending on
> a number of things, the ability to impersonate that user.
> Cheers,
> Mark
>> Mark Hammond wrote :
>>> On 20/01/2009 1:35 AM, le dahut wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've written a python network app in which the server runs on a
>>>> Samba-PDC (NT Domain controler) and the client on the windows NTdomain
>>>> clients.
>>>> I want to authenticate the connexions to the python server using a
>>>> transparent method.
>>>> Is there a way to get a user NTdomain authentication token and give it
>>>> back to the python-server so that it can validate it against the PDC ?
>>> Look for the 'sspi' functions and demos, particularly the
>>> win32\demos\security\sspi directory.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mark
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