[python-win32] Calling random Windows function?

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Sat Oct 24 00:57:50 CEST 2009

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009, Tim Roberts wrote:
> Aahz wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009, Christopher Nilsson wrote:
>>> But, wow... Just starting with windows programming, and jumping right
>>> into the semi-documented territory.  Brave. :)
>> Well, I have three things going for me:
>> * I've been programming in Python for more than a decade
> Yes, your name is famous in the Python community.  As we say, "your
> reputation precedes you."  

<grin>  The Python community is large enough that I don't expect to be

> However, Christopher's comment is not without merit, and is worthy of
> a little explanation.

Yes, I know -- I was being flip.  OTOH, I've written Java programs
without knowing Java and C DLLs without really knowing C; although I'm
very happy to be a Python expert, I'm also comfortable doing cargo cult
programming, and I'm pretty good at it.

In this case, I don't have a lot of other options, so I'm just forging
forward as best I can.

>> * I have code in C++ that does exactly what I want (I'm rewriting it in
>> Python because for some strange reason AVG thinks the executable is a
>> virus and we also have some other problems running it on 64-bit Vista,
>> and I figure that using Python will work better), and I just need to
>> translate all the Windows calls
> It is quite possible that AVG is generically objecting to the use of
> native APIs.  If so, I fear you will reach the same frustration with
> your Python translation.

That seems unlikely, but I'll definitely keep that possibility in mind,
thank you.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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