[python-win32] MSI installer or zip file for pywin32?

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 04:33:49 CEST 2010

On 3/04/2010 2:11 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:
> Preston Landers<planders at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> You can run unzip on the official exe installer to get a directory structure
>> that you can copy into your build.
> I had no idea one could do that!  Thanks.

Yeah - that is all the standard installer does anyway :)

>> The pywin32_postinstall.py stuff is
>> separated out in the arhcive, and does need to be run to enable all
>> features.  Depending on what you're doing you might be able to skip all or
>> most of it.
> Most of it looks skippable, as I'm installing a "hidden" python.

I'd be happy to have the post install script support a --private or 
similar option to do the right thing in these cases.

>> As far as the system DLLs, last time I checked they do have to
>> be in the system32 directory (or the wow64 version.)  But I could be wrong -
>> I didn't play with that very much. If it works without installing system
>> DLLs I'd be curious to know.
> Me, too.  I'm guessing you need to do this, to be able to have things
> like windows services find them.  But I'd sure like confirmation of that.
> I'm planning to incorporate what's necessary in the post-install for my
> package.

That's correct - stuff like services and COM requires the DLLs in 
system32 - however, you can probably see in the post-install script that 
if the user selects to install Python itself "just for me" then pywin32 
doesn't try and copy to system32 etc - if Python itself doesn't have its 
DLL in system32, pywin32 can't work in those embedded contexts 
regardless of what it tries to do...



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