[python-win32] MSI installer or zip file for pywin32?

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Tue Apr 6 22:13:32 CEST 2010

Mark Hammond <skippy.hammond at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 6/04/2010 4:31 PM, Mark Hammond wrote:
> > On 6/04/2010 4:28 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:
> >> Mark, my system is a dozen or so Python programs plus a few Windows
> >> services implemented in Python. If I set those up to hack the "Path"
> >> environment variable appropriately before importing stuff, could I put
> >> the three DLLs somewhere else instead of C:\WINDOWS\System32\?
> >
> > That might work - although the service could be problematic; this is
> > started by windows itself, so you don't really get the opportunity to
> > modify the environment before it starts.
> Oops - I missed the point here - you aren't asking about modifying the
> environment before the process starts, but instead after it starts and
> before it imports the pywin32 modules.
> However, there is still likely to be a problem; the service support
> depends on a couple of pywin32 modules to bootstrap its world, so by
> the time your first line of code gets executed, pywintypes,
> win32service etc will have been loaded (or fatally failed to load)

Thanks, Mark.

Just for the moment, I think I'll see if I can get things working by
copying the DLLs into \WINDOWS\System32\, including Python26.dll.  When
that's set, I'll see if I can remove that step -- I imagine I'd somehow
need to build a custom version of PythonService.exe, to begin with.

I'd like to not break the user's experience if they have a different
Python installed on that machine, but the default Python setup on
Windows doesn't seem to make that easy to do.  Perhaps there are some
install switches I haven't come across yet.


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