[python-win32] Using win32com.mapi to automate mail dispatch...

Varun Avashia varun at aryaka.com
Tue Apr 27 10:29:24 CEST 2010

Understood, since I did not need very sophisticated code to do the bidding... (Just something little to keep exchange busy), I've started using following snippet which seems to be working great. Posting here for reference. Thank you all for your time...

from win32com.client import Dispatch
import random
MessageBody = ''
for i in range (1, 10000): MessageBody += str(random.randint(0, 9))

for i in range(1,10): ##I'm gonna make this an infinite while loop eventually....
  newMsg = s.Outbox.Messages.Add("Test mail from Pythonwin32", MessageBody)
  recip1 = newMsg.Recipients.Add("mapi1", "SMTP:mapi1 at mapi.aryaka.india")

P.S. I'm still interested in making the other snippet work. Is there any known issues with my configs?

 - Exchange 2k3 on win2k3 R2 server
 - CDO ver1.2.1
 - Pyton 2.6.4
 - pywin32 latest version
 - WinXPSP2 with Office2k7

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hammond [mailto:skippy.hammond at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:05 AM
To: Varun Avashia
Cc: Python-Win32 List
Subject: Re: [python-win32] Using win32com.mapi to automate mail dispatch...

That EID was almost certainly fetched as a property, but the code isn't 
checking the returned property type before assuming it is a string 
entryid - in your case the type will be PT_ERROR, indicating the value 
holds the error reason as an integer.  As Tim mentioned, that code means 
the requested item wasn't found.



On 27/04/2010 2:05 PM, Varun Avashia wrote:
> Yes Tim, the user has Admin privileges, and eid has a -ve value of -2147221233.....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-win32-bounces+varun.avashia=aryaka.com at python.org [mailto:python-win32-bounces+varun.avashia=aryaka.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Tim Roberts
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 4:22 AM
> To: Python-Win32 List
> Subject: Re: [python-win32] Using win32com.mapi to automate mail dispatch...
> Varun Avashia wrote:
>> I tried to follow the code on this link
>> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-win32/2004-August/002239.html
>> This worked fine for me on win7 with Outlook2k7 (CDO were installed
>> separately), However this failed to work on winxp with sp2 and
>> outlook2k7 (with CDO installed) with following trace-back….
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>    File "C:\Documents and
>> Settings\Administrator\Desktop\send1kMail.py", line 73,
>>   in<module>
>>      SendEMAPIMail(SendSubject, SendMessage, SendTo,
>> MAPIProfile=MAPIProfile)
>>    File "C:\Documents and
>> Settings\Administrator\Desktop\send1kMail.py", line 28,
>>   in SendEMAPIMail
>>      outboxfolder = msgstore.OpenEntry(eid,None,mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)
>> TypeError: EntryID must be a string or None
>> Am I missing any additional components for WinXP?
>> The eid variable at line 27 has a value of -2147221233…
> For what it's worth, that's 0x8004010F, which is MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND.
> You might want to print out the "eid" that you fetched in the line
> immediately preceding.  Perhaps something went wrong with fetching the
> outbox ID.  Has Outlook 2007 actually been configured for Administrator
> on this machine?

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