[python-win32] fast test if (unknown) process is running ? Why not use Autoit ?

Dahlstrom, Roger RDahlstrom at directedge.com
Sat Aug 7 01:00:32 CEST 2010

As in win32
As in windows...


----- Original Message -----
From: python-win32-bounces+rdahlstrom=directedge.com at python.org <python-win32-bounces+rdahlstrom=directedge.com at python.org>
Cc: python-win32 at python.org <python-win32 at python.org>
Sent: Fri Aug 06 18:34:55 2010
Subject: Re: [python-win32] fast test if (unknown) process is running ? Why not use Autoit ?

 thanks Tim,

On 06-08-2010 21:18, Tim Golden wrote:
>> but that looks quit more complicated than psutils,
>> besides that I believe that psutils is platform independant.
> 0.0829999446869
> Well, just to phrase is slightly differently:
> <code>
> import wmi
> c = wmi.WMI ()
> for p in c.Win32_Process (Name="xchat.exe"):
>   print p
>   break
> else:
>   print "Not found"
> </code>
that looks much better,
but still windows only ;-)


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