[python-win32] Wanted: subprocess horror stories

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Mon Aug 9 10:28:04 CEST 2010

I'm doing some work on the Windows-specific bit of the subprocess model. 
In particular, the quoting requirements of strings getting passed to the 
COMSPEC shell, but anything else which crops up.

To start with I've committed patches originally worked up by Gabriel 
Genellina but there's more to do there especially as regards embedded 
quotes etc.

So... I'd like to hear about the hoops you've had to jump through to get 
subprocess.Popen/call working with awkward strings, spaces, quotes, 
redirections, special characters, unicode filenames. Whatever. I'll then 
add them into the test cases as I build. I'm targetting 3.2 but willing 
to port to 3.1 & 2.7


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