[python-win32] how to "click" on a word "confirm popup"

Mike Driscoll mdriscoll at co.marshall.ia.us
Wed Aug 11 15:27:35 CEST 2010

  On 1:59 PM, Axel Rousseau wrote:
> Hi,
> I've open and print word document with a python script (using
> "win32com.client") but some documents have macro which ask to click on
> a confirm popup.
> How can I automatically make this ?
> Thank you for your help,
> Regards,
> Axel

You can try the following:

1) Open the document in Word and record a macro of you clicking the popup.
2) Stop the recording and open the macro to see what happened.
3) Replicate the code in Python

Good luck!

*Mike Driscoll*

Blog: http://blog.pythonlibrary.org

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