[python-win32] ANN: PyGUI 2.3.2

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Thu Dec 16 23:01:15 CET 2010

Octavian Rasnita wrote:

> Does this mean that under Windows it uses the Win32 standard GUI like WxPython?
> I am asking this because I want to know if the interfaces it creates will be
> accessible for screen readers.

I have no experience with screen readers, so I can't be sure.
However, PyGUI uses the widgets natively provided by the
Win32 API as much as it can, so to the extent that they
support screen readers, PyGUI should as well.

> BTW, what is the difference between PyGUI and WxPython?

PyGUI is smaller, more Pythonic, documented in Python terms
and doesn't depend on a huge third-party library. See the
Project Goals on the web site for elaboration.


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