[python-win32] WMI troubles!

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Fri Jan 15 20:47:23 CET 2010

Alex Hall wrote:
> I do not want a single script because, eventually, the plan is to have
> a keystroke for core 1, a keystroke for core 2, a keystroke for
> percent of ram used, a keystroke for hard disk space, and so on. While
> I could write each function in its own script and put a hotkey on each
> one, it seems easier and faster to just make one script and run it
> once, avoiding the delay I always get when this script runs for the
> first time from happening each time I press a hotkey.

I guess that depends on how you define "easier" and "faster".  For
development time, it's certainly going to be faster to create a set of
small, self-contained, single-purpose scripts that start, run, and end,
than it is to figure out the twisty paths involved in Windows hooks. 
This is very much like the trade-off between writing CGI scripts and
writing a full-blown web application.  It's a lot quicker to get a CGI
script up and running.

Yes, there is a short delay when starting a Python app, but after the
interpreter has been loaded once, it should stay in the file cache, so
subsequent loads go faster.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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