[python-win32] Documentation for win32com for Worksheets Worksheets.Range and Worksheets.Cells

Błażej Kaczorowski mrkaczor at interia.pl
Fri Jan 29 09:32:07 CET 2010

o 0.7.2 looks like working, I will give a try thx


2010/1/29 Błażej Kaczorowski <mrkaczor at interia.pl>:
> xlwt - yes, but I have python 3.1 in my company and cant downgrade it :(
> Blazej
> 2010/1/28 Błażej Kaczorowski <mrkaczor at interia.pl>:
>> A ok, thx, I found it and it is as you are saying thx it worked!
>> Blazej
>> On 28 January 2010 20:36, Tim Roberts <timr at probo.com> wrote:
>>> Błażej Kaczorowski wrote:
>>>> I use python on win to deal with Excels and stuff at work. I was
>>>> trying to find proper documentation of fe. to Worksheets
>>>> Worksheets.Range and Worksheets.Cells objects but all I found on
>>>> google are some lame tutorials with how to write "Hello World" it is
>>>> simply ok for beginning but I need something more (fe. how to freeze
>>>> top row in sheet).
>>>> Can any1 point a place of full documentation for excel stuff in
>>>> win32com? I would be gratefull.
>>> There is no "full documentation".  Excel is just another COM object, so
>>> there's nothing in win32com that specifically supports Excel.  It's just
>>> like all of the other COM objects.
>>> Microsoft has good documentation for the Excel object model, which
>>> describes the properties and methods that Excel offers, usually showing
>>> C++ or VBA code.  You have to translate that into Python (which is not
>>> always easy).
>>> The task you have chosen is not particularly easy.  To do the task you
>>> have chosen, you need to "split" the window into two panes, then set the
>>> size of the top pane to one row.
>>>    xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
>>>    xl.Visible = 1
>>>    w = xl.Application.ActiveWindow
>>>    w.Split = 1
>>> I'm not entirely sure how to set the size of the individual panes.
>>> --
>>> Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
>>> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
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