[python-win32] Trying to send info through serial port

J.D. Main jdmain at comcast.net
Fri Jun 11 22:10:27 CEST 2010


I have found that the serial port doesn't get opened sometimes.  Here's what 
I do:

import serial
ser = serial.Serial()
ser.port = 0
ser.baudrate = 9600
ser.timeout = 1

You can see if the port is open by printing the serial object.  In your code 
you'll use:

print ser

one of the parameters is open= True (or False)

By explicitly setting the serial object properties it always works for me.


I need to be able to send some information through my computer's serial 
port. I am using python version 2.6, the pyserial 1.21 module, and the pywin 
module. My code seems to be sending info somewhere, because any print 
statement I add after the import serial command doesn't show up in my 
terminal window. However, the device connected to my serial port doesn't 
seem to be registering any received information. I want to send the string 
"FREQ 720 MHz."

If anyone could help me out with this code, it would be greatly appreciated:

import serial
ser = serial.Serial(0) #if port has specific name, use: ser = 
serial.Serial('portName', 19200, timeout=0)
print ser.portstr #should tell you what specific port was used
ser.write('FREQ 720 MHz')

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