[python-win32] OT: Syncing routes ...

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Thu Mar 25 10:29:26 CET 2010

On 25/03/2010 09:18, Clinton Lee Taylor wrote:
>   I have got most of the Outlook contacts interface working, reading
> and writing contacts.  The same with the MySQL interface, reading an
> writing ...
>   I am now working on the syncing side of things ... Getting a new
> contact, adding into DB, syncing back to client with extra syncing
> attributes.  Conflict resolution?  Stuff like that ... Was more a call
> for ideas on my part, hoping somebody else might have run into this
> before ...

OK, that's a bit clearer. It wasn't quite clear (to me, at least)
from your original email whether you were starting from scratch
and had no real idea where to turn, or were part way in and were
looking for others' experience. The latter, it seems.

I'm afraid I've no particular experience in this area myself.
I'd be keen to see how you go, as this is an interesting area
so even if you carry on by yourself, do post back with interesting
or semi-completed stuff if you feel like it.


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