[python-win32] Invalid number of parameters on makepy-generated method

Federico Fanton federico at panizzolo.it
Wed Oct 6 10:01:11 CEST 2010

Mark Hammond wrote:
["Invalid number of parameters"]
>>> Is the exception coming from the InvokeTypes call?
>> Exactly..
>> I have a new bit of information though: I noticed that the problem
>> arises ONLY when the controlled application (Alibre) is already running,
>> while if it's not, there's no exception... Could it be that the "Invalid
>> number of parameters" is thrown by something *after* the InvokeTypes?
>> That is, could it be an error of the API itself? Or would I get the
>> exception elsewhere?
> Assuming the exception is a COMException, then yeah, it is the COM 
> object itself which is throwing the error - ie, it isn't Python 
> complaining about the missing param.

It's a pywintypes.com_error.. I'm assuming that's equivalente to a 
COMException then.

>> If I call the Close() method passing pythoncom.Missing, there's no error
>> even when Alibre is already open... Is Missing a way to explicitly tell
>> "I'm not passing you this parameter, use the default value"?
> Exactly - when 'Missing' is used, the win32com bridge doesn't pass 
> anything for the arg (ie, the "number of params" Python indicates it has 
> passed doesn't include that param).  When it is called as generated by 
> makepy though, the parameter is always passed, but using the default 
> value supplied by the type-library if one isn't specified by the Python 
> code.
> This just sounds like a bug in the COM object.

I see.. Many thanks for your assistance :)

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