[python-win32] DVCS options for pywin32

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Feb 8 02:02:03 CET 2011

On 8/02/2011 10:57 AM, python at bdurham.com wrote:
> Mark,
> I've heard very good things about github which provides free (open
> source) and paid hosting plans for your projects.
> https://github.com/

github is a fine service, but the question is more about the source 
control system to use rather than the service which hosts it.  github 
supports only git, while sourceforge gives you the option.  Even if we 
went for git, I'd probably keep everything at sourceforge for a number 
of reasons.

That said, given Tim's response, Python's decision and assuming no 
message from Roger Upole expressing he has developed a strong preference 
for git since I last asked, I'll go with hg.



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