[python-win32] Trouble with SetWindowLong().

David Hutto smokefloat at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 15:59:38 CET 2011

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Ben Timby <btimby at gmail.com> wrote:
> IIUC, WndProc receives messages from the message pump. I am attempting
> to override the default message handler with my own. The code I posted
> is a contrived example. So really, I am not interested in the
> correctness of it, but why does the call to SetWindowLong() fail the
> way it does when I call it.
> For a less contrived example, just google, and you will find many code
> samples doing almost exactly what my sample does (and ostensibly not
> failing).
> Here is a good one:
> http://wiki.wxpython.org/HookingTheWndProc
> How can that code run while passing a function reference as the last
> parameter, and mine fails? That is the underlying issue, not my sample
> code.
> I appreciate your bewilderment,

Be wild erment would be the appropriate term for programmers.

 but would be more interested in an
> answer to my question.
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