[python-win32] Clear the interactive screen

Blockheads Oi Oi breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 31 16:24:39 CEST 2011

On 31/03/2011 11:53, Mark Hammond wrote:
> On 31/03/2011 2:41 AM, Blockheads Oi Oi wrote:
>> On 27/03/2011 07:53, Mark Hammond wrote:
>>> Try something like:
>>> from pywin.framework import interact
>>> interact.edit.currentView.SetSel(0, -1)
>>> interact.edit.currentView.Clear()
>> Try the above three lines from the interactive prompt and nothing that I
>> can see happens.
> That is because line 2 selects all text in the window - but doing this
> interactively resets this. The last line clears the selection - and
> interactively there is no selection to remove.
>> Try the last two lines on a single line with the ;
>> separator and the screen is cleared, I'm sorry but I don't understand
>> this.
> Hope that explains it.
>> I've tried wrapping the interact lines from above into a cls function
> I'm not sure what a cls function is.

My function to clear the screen, sorry I should have been explicit, it's 
given below.

>> in
>> my own bare bones config file based on the data in the pywin32 help
>> Keyboard Bindings section. Screws everything.
> Screws what?
>> What steps are needed to
>> get what I and others have asked for in the past, i.e. clear the
>> interactive screen, run the program/module under test, resort to normal?
> What exactly did you try? How exactly did it not work?

This is what I set up.
c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin>type mine.cfg
BasedOn = Default

Alt+C = cls

def cls(editor_window, event):
     from  pywin.framework import interact
     interact.edit.currentView.SetSel(0, -1)

This will clear the screen but there's no interactive prompt.  Then type 
any command you like and nothing happens,no errors, no output, zilch. 
But you can select what you've typed with Ctrl-A and copy it with 
Ctrl-C, which is exactly what I've done with the following three lines.

a = 1.0
this is junk

>> I observe that the Ctrl-R and Shift-Ctrl-R key combinations are not
>> available in the default config file (presumably to keep bozos like
>> myself away from them? :). So do we have to resort to (shock, horror,
>> probe) doing things manually?
> They should be - I use the default config and Ctrl+R works fine for me.

Ctrl-R or Ctrl-Shift-R work fine for me but they're not in the default 
config *FILE* as per:-
c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin>grep -i Ctrl default.cfg
Ctrl+W            = ViewWhitespace
Ctrl+Shift+8      = ViewWhitespace # The MSVC default key def.
Ctrl+Shift+F      = ViewFixedFont
Ctrl+Space   = <<expand-word>>
Ctrl+F3           = AutoFindNext
Ctrl+F2           = ToggleBookmark
Ctrl+G            = GotoLine
Ctrl+T            = <<toggle-tabs>>
Ctrl+Up           = <<history-previous>>
Ctrl+Down         = <<history-next>>
Ctrl+Enter        = ProcessEnter
# When docked, the Ctrl+Tab and Shift+Ctrl+Tab keys dont work as expected.
Ctrl+Tab          = MDINext
Ctrl+Shift+Tab    = MDIPrev

>>>> I've also changed interact.py in accordance with
>>>> http://code.activestate.com/lists/python-list/168244/. Is there any
>>>> reason why this couldn't be part of the standard file?
> I don't follow that list - was it ever posted to sourceforge?

The above URL refers to 
  You checked in the changes at 2010-08-27 07:37:51 UTC :)

> Cheers,
> Mark


Mark L.

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