[python-win32] Setting a 64bit FILETIME PT_SYSTIME property using pywin32's SetProps()

Sriram ET. karra.etc at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 08:03:43 CET 2011

I am using pywin32 mapi routines to interact with my outlook contacts
store. I am trying to set the PT_BIRTHDAY property and have the following
code for doing that:

The conversion from and to FILETIME values is from filetimes.py available

    dt = datetime.strptime('1980-01-01','%Y-%m-%d')
    filetime = filetimes.dt_to_filetime(dt)
    msg.SetProps([(mapitags.PR_BIRTHDAY, filetime)])

I get an OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to c long

I am on a 32 bit machine, and I understand FILETME is a 64 bit value. I am
at a loss. How can I set the underlying MAPI property using this library?
Is there a workaround?

(Setup: Outlook 2010, Window 7 running on a 32bit virtual machine via
VMWare Fusion 4 on Mac OS X Lion)

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