[python-win32] Can pylauncher run pip or easy_install for different versions of Python?

Randy Syring rsyring at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 06:12:20 CEST 2012

Looks like it could, but you would have to give it the version you 
wanted and then pass in the path to the pip or easy_install script.

But, maybe its not needed.  On my system, the .exe files are installed 
with and without the version numbers.  So, I have:

    Directory of c:\Python26\Scripts

    02/11/2011  04:07 PM <DIR>          .
    02/11/2011  04:07 PM <DIR>          ..
    10/20/2009  06:08 AM               286 easy_install-2.6-script.py
    11/22/2010  03:04 PM               355 easy_install-2.6-script.pyc
    11/22/2010  03:04 PM               355 easy_install-2.6-script.pyo
    10/20/2009  06:08 AM             7,168 easy_install-2.6.exe
    10/20/2009  06:08 AM               515 easy_install-2.6.exe.manifest
    10/20/2009  06:08 AM               278 easy_install-script.py
    11/22/2010  03:04 PM               347 easy_install-script.pyc
    11/22/2010  03:04 PM               347 easy_install-script.pyo
    10/20/2009  06:08 AM             7,168 easy_install.exe
    10/20/2009  06:08 AM               511 easy_install.exe.manifest
    12/06/2010  03:54 PM               265 pip-2.6-script.py
    12/06/2010  03:54 PM             7,168 pip-2.6.exe
    12/06/2010  03:54 PM               522 pip-2.6.exe.manifest
    12/06/2010  03:54 PM               257 pip-script.py
    12/06/2010  03:54 PM             7,168 pip.exe
    12/06/2010  03:54 PM               518 pip.exe.manifest

And similar for my 2.7 install.  So, the following commands should work 
for installing for specific versions of python if the Scripts 
directories are all on your PATH:


If that isn't sufficient, maybe you can tell us more about what you are 
trying to do.  The pylauncher docs seemed pretty thorough, is there 
something specific you don't understand?

Randy Syring
Development&  Executive Director
Level 12 Technologies  <https://www.lev12.com/>
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

Principled People, Technology that Works

On 04/12/2012 11:58 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've tried reading PEP397 and this 
> https://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/pylauncher/src/tip/Doc/launcher.rst 
> but couldn't get my head around it, so the question is as the subject.
> As an aside, are people aware that there is already a pylauncher see 
> http://pylauncher.garage.maemo.org/ ?
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