[python-win32] [ANN] pythonpackages.com beta

Alex Clark aclark at aclark.net
Thu Aug 2 04:46:32 CEST 2012

Hi Python Windows folks,

I am reaching out to various Python-related programming communities in
order to offer new help packaging your software. If you have ever 
struggled with packaging and releasing Python software
(e.g. to PyPI), please check out this service:

- http://pythonpackages.com

The basic idea is to automate packaging by checking out code, testing,
and uploading (e.g. to PyPI) all through the web, as explained in this

- http://docs.pythonpackages.com/en/latest/introduction.html

Also, I will be available to answer your Python packaging questions most 
days/nights in #pythonpackages on irc.freenode.net. Hope to meet/talk 
with all of you soon.


P.S. I've also just written a new Windows-specific blog entry: 

Alex Clark · http://pythonpackages.com/ONE_CLICK

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