[python-win32] Standalone pywin32

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 06:26:55 CET 2012

On 24/02/2012 1:51 PM, JohnM wrote:
> We have a project where we are running a local (read not installed) copy of
> Python, and we need to run our code as a service.  We love pywin32, its
> perfect.
> We can't figure out how what pieces need to be where to run as a service.
> For example, your post install .py file does A LOT to register and copy
> files.  Is there a simple "Just put these files here, register this, etc"
> type of summary?
> We just need the service portion for now.

The service support is pretty simple - it will probably just work after 
the files are in place and without the postinstall script having been 
run at all.


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