[python-win32] problem After compiling with py2exe on a com class

Matteo Boscolo matteo.boscolo at boscolini.eu
Tue Jul 17 00:37:21 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I got a com server that is crated inside a cad application.

if i run the following code(That is a method of my com class):

def showWindows(self):
             show a qt windows with a button
             logging.info("showWindows .....")
             form=EditInputBox(nDocument) # <-- this is a pyqt dialog
             logging.info("After Exec %s"%str(self.td.Documents.Count))
             return S_OK
             return 1

and I'm using the normal python source script, all work ok.

but if I py2exe the com server,( .exe ) and i run the some code, and I 
leave the dialog opened for more than a minute I got the following 
exception from the self.td.Documents.Count that is a method of the cad 

It seems a problem releted to a timeout or releted to the garbage collector.
Any Idea in how to debug it or how to find a solution to this problem is 
really appreciated.


ERROR:root:<class 'pywintypes.com_error'>
ERROR:root:(-2147417856, 'System call failed.', None, None)
ERROR:root:<traceback object at 0x027CBF58>
ERROR:root:Locals by frame, innermost last
ERROR:root:Frame <module> in boot_com_servers.py at line 112
ERROR:root:             get_classes = <function get_classes at 0x02C134F0>
ERROR:root:     DllUnregisterServer = <function DllUnregisterServer at 
ERROR:root:                     arg = /automate
ERROR:root:                  clsids = 
ERROR:root:             __package__ = None
ERROR:root:        com_module_names = ['testCom']
ERROR:root:                 __doc__ = None
ERROR:root:          zipextimporter = <module 'zipextimporter' from 
ERROR:root:            __builtins__ = <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>
ERROR:root:                     sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>
ERROR:root:                __name__ = __main__
ERROR:root:             com_modules = [<module 'testCom' from 
ERROR:root:       DllRegisterServer = <function DllRegisterServer at 
ERROR:root:                       i = 1
ERROR:root:                       k = <class 'testCom.TestComInterface'>
ERROR:root:                       m = <module 'testCom' from 
ERROR:root:              DllInstall = <function DllInstall at 0x02D5C4B0>
ERROR:root:                win32com = <module 'win32com' from 
ERROR:root:               pythoncom = <module 'pythoncom' from 
ERROR:root:                win32api = <module 'win32api' from 
ERROR:root:Frame serve in win32com\server\localserver.pyc at line 36
ERROR:root:                   infos = [(<PyIClassFactory at 0x02E9E4B8 
with obj at 0x02F43B08>, 16)]
ERROR:root:                  clsids = 
ERROR:root:Frame _Invoke_ in win32com\server\policy.pyc at line 277
ERROR:root:                  wFlags = 3
ERROR:root:                    args = ()
ERROR:root:                    lcid = 0
ERROR:root:                  dispid = 1001
ERROR:root:                    self = 
<win32com.server.policy.DesignatedWrapPolicy instance at 0x02EEE2B0>
ERROR:root:Frame _invoke_ in win32com\server\policy.pyc at line 282
ERROR:root:                  wFlags = 3
ERROR:root:                    args = ()
ERROR:root:                    lcid = 0
ERROR:root:                  dispid = 1001
ERROR:root:                    self = 
<win32com.server.policy.DesignatedWrapPolicy instance at 0x02EEE2B0>
ERROR:root:Frame _invokeex_ in win32com\server\policy.pyc at line 585
ERROR:root:         serviceProvider = None
ERROR:root:                    self = 
<win32com.server.policy.DesignatedWrapPolicy instance at 0x02EEE2B0>
ERROR:root:                    args = ()
ERROR:root:                  dispid = 1001
ERROR:root:                funcname = showWindows
ERROR:root:                  wFlags = 3
ERROR:root:                    lcid = 0
ERROR:root:                    func = <bound method 
TestComInterface.showWindows of <testCom.TestComInterface object at 
ERROR:root:                  kwArgs = None
ERROR:root:Frame showWindows in testCom.pyc at line 133
ERROR:root:                    self = <testCom.TestComInterface object 
at 0x02D72810>
ERROR:root:               nDocument = 1
ERROR:root:                    form = <testCom.EditInputBox object at 
ERROR:root:Frame __getattr__ in win32com\client\__init__.pyc at line 466
ERROR:root:                    self = <win32com.gen_py.think3 
thinkdesign Type Library.IApplication instance at 0x49209832>
ERROR:root:                    args = (11, 2, (9, 0), (), 'Documents', 
ERROR:root:                    attr = Documents
ERROR:root:Frame _ApplyTypes_ in win32com\client\__init__.pyc at line 459
ERROR:root:             resultCLSID = {91D219D5-0F56-11D3-BD73-00500400405B}
ERROR:root:                  dispid = 11
ERROR:root:                    self = <win32com.gen_py.think3 
thinkdesign Type Library.IApplication instance at 0x49209832>
ERROR:root:                    args = ()
ERROR:root:                 retType = (9, 0)
ERROR:root:                argTypes = ()
ERROR:root:                  wFlags = 2
ERROR:root:                    user = Documents

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