[python-win32] Context menu troubles

Chris Ness karbonforms at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 19:03:14 CET 2012

disclaimer: I have only the faintest idea what I'm doing!

I'm trying to get a windows explorer context menu in my app. I can get 
the menu to show, but it does not execute any commands (e.g. 'copy')

my code is based on 
http://bcbjournal.org/articles/vol4/0006/Using_the_shell_context_menu.htm and 
partly on http://netez.com/2xExplorer/shellFAQ/bas_context.html

I'm new to both win32 and pywin32. Any help or advice will be readily 



     DesktopFolder = shell.SHGetDesktopFolder()
     if not DesktopFolder:
         raise Exception("Failed to get Desktop folder.")
     # Get a pidl for the folder the file
     # is located in.
     FilePath = 'J:\\'
     FileName = 'tree.xml'
     Eaten, ParentPidl, attr = DesktopFolder.ParseDisplayName(Handle, None, FilePath)
     # Get an IShellFolder for the folder
     # the file is located in.
     ParentFolder = DesktopFolder.BindToObject(ParentPidl, None, shell.IID_IShellFolder)
     CM_plus = None
     # Get a pidl for the file itself.
     Eaten, Pidl, attr = ParentFolder.ParseDisplayName(Handle, None, FileName)
     # Get the IContextMenu for the file.
     i, CM = ParentFolder.GetUIObjectOf(Handle, [Pidl], shell.IID_IContextMenu, 0)
         # Get the IContextMenu for the folder. ????????
     #i, CM = ParentFolder.GetUIObjectOf(Handle, [ParentPidl], shell.IID_IContextMenu, 0)
     if not CM:
         raise Exception("Unable to get context menu interface.")
         # try to obtain a higher level pointer, first 3 then 2
             CM_plus = CM.QueryInterface(shell.IID_IContextMenu3, None)
             pcmType = 3
         except Exception:
                 CM_plus = CM.QueryInterface(shell.IID_IContextMenu2, None)
                 pcmType = 2
             except Exception:

     if CM_plus:
         CM.Release() # free initial "v1.0" interface
         CM = CM_plus
     else: # no higher version supported
         pcmType = 1

     hMenu = win32gui.CreatePopupMenu()
     Flags = CMF_EXPLORE
     # Optionally the shell will show the extended
     # context menu on some operating systems when
     # the shift key is held down at the time the
     # context menu is invoked. The following is
     # commented out but you can uncommnent this
     # line to show the extended context menu.
     # Flags |= 0x00000080;
     CM.QueryContextMenu(hMenu, 0, 1, 0x7FFF, Flags)
     # Show the menu.
     x, y =  win32gui.GetCursorPos()
     flags = ( win32gui.TPM_LEFTALIGN
              | win32gui.TPM_LEFTBUTTON
              | win32gui.TPM_RIGHTBUTTON
              #| win32gui.TPM_RETURNCMD,
     hr = win32gui.TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, flags, x, y, 0, Handle, None)
     if hr != 1:
         e = win32api.GetLastError()
         s = win32api.FormatMessage(e)

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