[python-win32] speed up win32com.client
iinjdpa at gmail.com
Sun May 13 20:28:26 CEST 2012
Sorry!!! my mistake!!! really there are a speed up, the timing using
late-binding is:
M_dimension= 512
R_dimension= 262144
t_block1= 3.00059867944
t_block2= 12.2370913063
t_block3= 0.488927223991
t_total= 15.7266172097
Then it is about half time using early-binding for my example. It is
2012/5/13 DANIEL POSE <iinjdpa at gmail.com>
> Just for conclude the discusion, the solution is win32.client.CastTo() as
> Mark said. However, this modification doesn't speed up the code (at least
> in my case).
> Then, perhaps I need to learn C++ in order to embed python inside AutoCAD
> as Dan Glassman said. But, not now...
> Here I post the code using CastTo:
> <code>
> import win32com.client
> import time
> import string
> import random
> def nombrealeatorio(size=10, chars=string.ascii_uppercase +
> string.digits):
> '''Esta función crea un nombre aleatorio de 10 caracteres'''
> return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(size))
> t1=time.clock()
> acad= win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("AutoCAD.Application")
> doc=win32com.client.CastTo(acad,"IAcadApplication")
> doc = acad.ActiveDocument
> seleccion=win32com.client.CastTo(doc,"IAcadSelectionSets")
> seleccion=doc.SelectionSets.Add(nombrealeatorio())
> seleccion=win32com.client.CastTo(seleccion,"IAcadSelectionSet")
> seleccion.SelectOnScreen()
> t2=time.clock()
> M=[]
> for objeto in seleccion:
> objeto=win32com.client.CastTo(objeto, "IAcadBlockReference")
> if objeto.ObjectName=='AcDbBlockReference':
> M.append(objeto.InsertionPoint)
> t3=time.clock()
> print 'M_dimension=',len(M)
> R=[]
> for m in M:
> for x in M:
> R.append(max(m)+max(x))
> print 'R_dimension=',len(R)
> t4=time.clock()
> t_block1=t2-t1
> t_block2=t3-t2
> t_block3=t4-t3
> print 't_block1=',t_block1
> print 't_block2=',t_block2
> print 't_block3=',t_block3
> print 't_total=',t4-t1
> </code>
> timing using early-binding:
> M_dimension= 512
> R_dimension= 262144
> t_block1= 3.46952811042
> t_block2= 4.81084020455
> t_block3= 0.49030086226
> t_total= 8.77066917723
> timing using late-binding:
> M_dimension= 512
> R_dimension= 262144
> t_block1= 3.20033803179
> t_block2= 4.96431445896
> t_block3= 0.570101227949
> t_total= 8.7347537187
> Thank you for this wonderfull mailing list and pywin32.
> 2012/5/13 Mark Hammond <mhammond at skippinet.com.au>
>> On 13/05/2012 5:00 AM, DANIEL POSE wrote:
>>> I had tried to change attribute name in several ways (InsertionPoint,
>>> insertionPoint, insertionpoint,...) but I obtained the same error:
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> File "<ipython console>", line 1, in <module>
>>> File
>>> "C:\Python27\lib\site-**packages\spyderlib\widgets\**
>>> externalshell\startup.py",
>>> line 128, in runfile
>>> execfile(filename, glbs)
>>> File "C:\Documents and Settings\Usuario\Mis
>>> documentos\Dropbox\PYTHON\**PruebaAutoCAD.py", line 29, in <module>
>>> M.append(objeto.**insertionpoint)
>>> File "C:\Python27\lib\site-**packages\win32com\client\__**init__.py",
>>> line 465, in __getattr__
>>> raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" %
>>> (repr(self), attr))
>>> AttributeError: '<win32com.gen_py.AutoCAD 2008 Type Library.IAcadEntity
>>> instance at 0x88940672>' object has no attribute 'insertionpoint'
>> In the gen_py directory you should find a generated file supporting the
>> AutoCAD object - it will have a GUID in its name so it might not be obvious
>> which one applies, but inside that you should find the 'IAcadEntity'
>> object. That should have a _prop_map_get attribute which lists the
>> attributes available on the object - I'd expect to find insertionPoint
>> listed there. It may turn out it is actually on a different object, in
>> which case the win32com.client.CastTo() function might be useful to get the
>> appropriate interface.
>> If I delete only the win32com\client\gen_py folder It doesn't work. I
>>> need delete for example win32com and win32 folders and restore older
>>> ones.
>> Hrm - I certainly can't explain that! Or maybe I can - check your %TEMP%
>> folder and see if there is a gen_py directory there?
>> Mark
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