[python-win32] Win32 GUI for beginners.

Sean Murphy mhysnq1964 at icloud.com
Tue Dec 31 11:10:20 CET 2013

Hi all.

I am very very new to Python. I have read the book on programming for Windows with Python that was released in 2000. The book is very good but doesn't give me the basic information I am seeking. Since I am a beginner programmer.

I want to create a GUI windows app with Python. The program has to use default Windows 32 or 64 bit objects. I wish to get the following components:

Menu bar
Richedit or a multiline edit field
A couple of buttons.
All objects must be able to be access by the keyboard. either via tab stops (using the tab or shift tab key) and short cut keys.

I have a 70 mb text file that is marked up using YML. I wish to show each section in the edit field. The list view shows the name of each item. The tree view will contain categories. 

I have seen PYGUI which I am not sure if it is easier then using the MSF approach which the book above mentions. 

So I really need assistance to progress this home bobbie project to expand my programming skills. Any wikis, documentations, good code examples with explanations, etc I would love to get my hands on.

I am reading about 3 or 4 books on Python to get up to speed. But only found one book on Win32 programming. I do not want to have to turn around and learn win32 or MFC. If I have to then please point me towards a good book or resource.


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