[python-win32] Python Error:WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file.

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Tue Nov 12 11:12:52 CET 2013

On 12/11/2013 10:05, manu agarwal wrote:
> I am getting the below error while executing the script on one of the
> application server.
> *WindowsError: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it
> is being used by another process*
> *
> *
> Script used to delete the files from the server.
> I had used os.remove(file) and tried with os.unlink(file). But it is
> giving me the same error.
> Is there any way i can skip the files which can not be deleted and
> script proceed further to delete other files or it delete the files
> forcely without giving this error.

Certainly: just catch that particular exception within the loop and

(FYI os.remove & os.unlink are the same function under the covers)


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