[python-win32] Write excel 2007 table to specific location in a word document using python 2.7.5

Access Newbie accessnewbie at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 18:25:36 CEST 2014

I posted the following question on stackoverflow but do not seriously think
I will get any answers to the question and was hoping that one of you may
know if what I want to do is even possible and if so, will a novice like me
be able to do it; and most importantly, how to do it, at least conceptually.

 I have a series of data requests that I partially automate through ArcGIS
and python scripting. The only hurdle I am really struggling with is how to
get the excel tables into the word document. Right now I can run the
analyses, format the results into paragraphs with the text that I want, and
output the maps in pdf format. The pywin32 package has allowed me to
execute the excel macros that import the dbf files, reformat the data in
the tabular format I want, and export out to an  xlsx workbook. To have the
process completely automated, I would need to also load the excel tables
into the word document. This is where I am at a complete loss. I haven't a
clue as to where to even start to accomplish this. Could you please take a
quick look at my post and let me know if this is doable, and if so, point
me in the right direction as to how to accomplish this?

The files I created to run the sample program are 4 very small files if
anyone would like me to forward them to look at.

A trillion thanks. Claudine.

My posted link:

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