[python-win32] My bzPersonalAssistant code/project

mc@mclaveau mc at mclaveau.com
Sat Mar 22 00:38:54 CET 2014


Hmmm... I have downloaded  the source-file. I try it, and... I found 
that wxPython is necessary.
But, perso, I use my own GUI (based on PyWin32).

I will try the exe version in a virtual computer, when I will found times.


Le 22.03.14 00:03, Jacob Kruger a écrit :
> If of interest, here are two separate download links - the one for the 
> current source code, and the other, larger one for currently compiled 
> windows executable etc. - bzPersonalAssistant.exe.
> And, since this is sort of first time am really focusing on _trying_ 
> to use wxPython frames, dialog's etc. a bit better/properly, I would 
> also appreciate it if you can let me know if have messed up anything 
> specific in terms of layout, general usage, etc. - BTW, blind biker in 
> my email signature is a fact, and I can't look at GUI interface in the 
> 'normal' way...<smile> - and, yes, there are still other pieces of 
> using LBC module at times, etc., but, will eventually try clear those 
> out as well, but, that's partly why want to find out if am doing much 
> correctly in terms of how am trying to implement wxPython GUI 
> building/rendition.
> Anyway, here's the source code - total of652Kb, and starting point is 
> bzPersonalAssistant.py :
> http://www.blindza.co.za/bzPersonalAssistant/_bzPersonalAssistantSource.zip_ 
> <mhtml:%7B45EE5523-7604-4B64-B3B1-076A923B8C4D%7Dmid://00000058/%21x-usc:http://www.blindza.co.za/bzPersonalAssistant/bzPersonalAssistantSource.zip>
> Otherwise, here's the windows executable version - total of 8.35Mb, 
> and was built using cx_Freeze - executable there is 
> bzPersonalAssistant.exe:
> http://www.blindza.co.za/bzPersonalAssistant/bzPersonalAssistantExecutable.zip 
> <mhtml:%7B45EE5523-7604-4B64-B3B1-076A923B8C4D%7Dmid://00000058/%21x-usc:http://www.blindza.co.za/bzPersonalAssistant/bzPersonalAssistantExecutable.zip>
> Now, this is meant to be sort of what the name says - a smallish piece 
> of personal assistant type of software, and currently offers you 
> typing in, categorising and searching for text notes, lets you define 
> categories for, and then record .wav audio clips/audio notes, using 
> windows standard audio input source - and have already figured out how 
> to do something like invoke lame encoder via command line to switch 
> over to sort of ending up offering .MP3 output, but haven't bothered 
> with that yet, since at least part of that might relate to 
> path/location compatibility if I actually let people do much more than 
> test this applet, but, let's see.
> The other categories are a form of calendar, and categorised 
> collections of web links, and contacts, and haven't finished off 
> documentation of much as of yet, but, for example, since this is sort 
> of targeting VI/blind users to a certain extent - wx is AFAIC the best 
> GUI framework in terms of python generated acdcessibility - it can 
> also tell you certain things using forms of TTS, and should notify you 
> on the change of hour using small synthesized sound clips from the 
> ./sounds directory as well, but anyway.
> I'm making use of python 2.7, wxPython 3.0, and other non-standard 
> python modules are things like accessible_output, a small audio 
> recording class in there - thanks for that one - etc. etc., along with 
> a couple of win32 specific modules at moment, but anyway.
> Please let me know if you look at this at all, and what you think of 
> end-result/output/code - know/am sure there are likely to still be 
> some unresolved bugs/glitches in there - but am still busy playing 
> around with this - and, yes, I generally use tab character for 
> indentation - and have left it like that in source code for now.
> Jacob Kruger
> Blind Biker
> Skype: BlindZA
> "Roger Wilco wants to welcome you...to the space janitor's closet..."
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