[python-win32] Excel Characters object

Niemann, Hartmut hartmut.niemann at siemens.com
Wed May 28 09:32:49 CEST 2014

Tim Roberts wrote:
>Niemann, Hartmut wrote:
>>I want to create an Excel file through the python COM interface.
>>I can open the file, fill the cells, save the file.
>>Now I want to color single characters in the cell content.
>>In VBA ( see
>>I would do
>>Cell.Characters(i, 1).Font.Color = vbRed
>>How does that translate to Python?
>>mycell.Characters[x:y] does not work, nor anything else I tried.

>That's interesting.  Theoretically, the Characters object should have a __call__ method, so you could call it exactly like in VB:
>    Cell.Characters(i,1)
>but I don't see that in the generated COM interface.

That is what the error message is:
  File "D:\PRJ\DPS\bin\itm_diff.py", line 252, in diff_output_table_excel
    charrange = chars(1,2)  ## this should work but doesn''t yet.
AttributeError: Characters instance has no __call__ method

I tried again and removed the make_py generated interface, now I get a different error:

  File "D:\PRJ\DPS\bin\itm_diff.py", line 252, in diff_output_table_excel
    charrange = chars(1,2)  ## this should work but doesn''t yet.
  File "D:\bin\Python27\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\dynamic.py", line 192, in __call__
    return self._get_good_object_(self._oleobj_.Invoke(*allArgs),self._olerepr_.defaultDispatchName,None)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352573, 'Mitglied nicht gefunden.', None, None)

>That's going to be an ugly one to chase down.

Where can we start the chase?

With best regards

Hartmut Niemann

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