[python-win32] Python in Visual Studio

Alexander Walters tritium-list at sdamon.com
Sat Apr 16 20:22:32 EDT 2016

As a total aside, PTVS (part of the base VS 2015 install, IIRC) is now 
my editor of choice when editing python on windows, edging out gvim 
(...primarily because you can make vim bindings work in VS). It is a 
really good editor, with really good code completion features... which 
makes sense, considering how much money microsoft spent on intelisense.

On 4/16/2016 16:56, Mark Lawrence via python-win32 wrote:
> For anybody who might be interested this is a podcast featuring Steve 
> Dower from Microsoft 
> https://talkpython.fm/episodes/show/53/python-in-visual-studio

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