[python-win32] COM Server - COMTYPES / PYTHONCOM

Kasper rapzak at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 15:58:59 EDT 2016

Hello all,

I have some major problems with something i am not good at :(

I have come to a situation where i have to add a COM server in my python
code the get access to it from Labview Teststand.

Firs i have tried with pythoncom/wincom and got it almost working, it
registered and i could look it up in the windows COM data list.
But this combination do not register coclasses:
Coclasses are not registered (that is, RegisterTypeLib does not write any
values to the CLSID key of the coclass).

IDL File:

And here the code:

my reference:


Then i started by using COMTYPES, but this do not at all register into the
COM catalog on windows - both solutions i can connect to from another

here is my code - IDL is the same.

How do i continue so i can use this server from Teststand or any other
windows program??

I really hope some can give me an example or help me in what is wrong - i
think it is quite close...

Thank you
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