[python-win32] [ANN] pywin32 build 226 released

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sun Nov 10 02:21:02 EST 2019

Hi all,
   I'm happy to announce the release of pywin32 build 226.

Downloads are available at:


and via pypi.

For initial support (eg, to ask questions about the release etc), please 
contact this mailing-list (python-win32 at python.org).  If you want to 
report a bug, please do so at https://github.com/mhammond/pywin32/issues

As always, thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, both in 
terms of code and reporting bugs.




* The directory with the pywin32 system DLLs is now added to the start 
of PATH for version 3.7 and earlier, and passed to 
os.add_dll_directory() on 3.8 and later. This will hopefully work around 
problems loading pywintypes.dll in various situations.

* Conversions to and from COM VT_DATE types should no longer lose 

* Formatting eventlog messages should now handle larger messages and 
inserts (Ofek Lev via #1421)

* Fixed that win32help was very broken everywhere except 32bit 2.7 (#1434)

* A number of MAPI improvements from Nick Czeczulin.

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