[python-win32] how to use win32process.CreateRemoteThread
june y
qwertyjune56 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 10:24:26 EDT 2020
i am studying win32process of pywin32.
but, i encounter a problem.
problem is I don't know win32process.CreateRemoteThread wants what arguments
I don't know what *TypeError: Unable to convert function to pointer-sized
value*, *TypeError: Unable to convert NoneType to pointer-sized
value*, *TypeError:
Unable to convert tuple to pointer-sized value* means,
import win32processimport win32conimport win32api
def cnt1():
global i
def cnt2(a, b):
global i
print(f"args : {a} {b}")
pid = win32process.GetCurrentProcessId()print(f"pid : {pid}")
pHandle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, win32con.FALSE, pid)
a = None
b = (1, 2)
tHandle1, tid = win32process.CreateRemoteThread(pHandle, None, 0,
id(cnt1), id(a), 0)# when id(cnt1) argument is cnt1, error# TypeError:
Unable to convert function to pointer-sized value# when id(a) argument
is a, error# TypeError: Unable to convert NoneType to pointer-sized
value# So I tried to give the address through id(cnt1) and id(a) as
parameters of CreateRemoteThread.# but, python IDLE is
tHandle2, tid = win32process.CreateRemoteThread(pHandle, None, 0,
id(cnt2), id(b), 0)# same as adove# when id(b) argument is b, error#
TypeError: Unable to convert tuple to pointer-sized value
print(f"i : {i}")
it is my code
my enviroment is Windows 7 home 64bit, python 3.6.7, pywin32- 224
thank you
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