[python-win32] Debugging python with something like VS code, when working with flask web framework

jacob kruger jacob at blindza.co.za
Fri Aug 13 02:41:03 EDT 2021

Hi there

I am specifically trying to sort out debugging code and processes when 
working with the flask web development framework, while working with VS 
code insiders.

Now, following things like the following steps, but, specifically using 
an external terminal, I can get it to pause on breakpoints, etc. when 
executing normal code, but, when trying to run it against the flask 
module process, it seems to just execute the code and not manage to 
attach to the execution processes, etc.?

Python and flask tutorial in VS code:


Or, the more generic debugging implementation tutorial:

Getting started tutorial for python and VS code:


This is working on a windows 10 64 bit pro machine, and, just want to 
know if anyone has suggestions with regards to implementing debugging 
when working with web development frameworks like flask, pyramid, etc.?


Jacob Kruger
+2782 413 4791
Skype: BlindZA
"Resistance is futile...but, acceptance is versatile..."
"...resistance is futile...but, acceptance is versatile..."

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