[python-win32] pywin32 (pythoncom) get ITAddressDeviceSpecificEvent param in TAPI

Владимир Туманов first.oxe at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 08:51:01 EDT 2021

Hi I am trying to write event monitoring for TAPI but I get errors when
trying to work with ITAddressDeviceSpecificEvent and ITCallInfoChangeEvent

here is a sample code

tapi = win32com.client.Dispatch (cls)
tapi.Initialize ()
events = TapiEvents (tapi)

tapi.EventFilter = 0x3FFFFFF

class TapiEvents (win32com.client.getevents (cls)):
    def OnEvent (self, ev1, ev2):
            ev3 = win32com.client.Dispatch (ev2)
            get_name = str (type (ev3)). split (".") [str (type (ev3)).
count (".")]. split ("'") [0]

             if get_name == "ITAddressDeviceSpecificEvent":
                print (dir (ev3))

['Address',' CLSID ',' Call ',' _ApplyTypes_ ',' __class__ ',' __delattr__
',' __dict__ ',' __dir__ ',' __doc__ ',' __eq__ ',' __
format__ ',' __ge__ ',' __getattr__ ',' __getattribute__ ',' __gt__ ','
__hash__ ',' __init__ ',' __init_subclass__ ',' __iter__
',' __le__ ',' __lt__ ',' __module__ ',' __ne__ ',' __new__ ',' __reduce__
',' __reduce_ex__ ',' __repr__ ',' __setattr__ ',' __s
izeof__ ',' __str__ ',' __subclasshook__ ',' __weakref__ ','
_get_good_object_ ',' _get_good_single_object_ ',' _oleobj_ ',' _p
rop_map_get_ ',' _prop_map_put_ ',' coclass_clsid ',' lParam1 ',' lParam2
',' lParam3 ']

If I try to get ev3.Address or ev3.Call
then I get errors pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352573, 'Member not found.',
None, None) and pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.',
(0, None, None, None, 0, - 2147221497), None)
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