[python-win32] Unpredictable behavior of pywin32 on new computer

Zach York zyork.contribution at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 15:34:43 EDT 2022


I have recently upgraded my computer and after upgrading and installing
pywin32, I have found the behavior to be extremely unpredictable and in a
lot of cases, just wrong.

Python 3.10 (upgraded from python 3.9 on the previous computer)
pywin32 304
Windows 10: 19044.2006

My scripts are mostly trying to do some background clicking using
PostMessage/SendMessage  and window resizing/positioning using MoveWindow.
I used to be able to use SendMessage reliably before this computer upgrade,
but now it seems like I need a combination of PostMessage + SendMessage to
see a click at all). For MoveWindow, the results are entirely unpredictable
(window isn't moved at all, window resized and moved to the wrong location,

I assume this has to somehow be with my setup and not pywin32, but I am
lost on what might be causing this weird behavior. Any insight would be
greatly appreciated!

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