[PythonCE] PythonCE22 for HPC (ARM, MIPS)

Telion telionce@yahoo.com
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 23:35:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

I was quite busy for several months and
that prevented me from building PythonCE22 HPC2000.

Now, I have a little more spare time, and I'm trying
to finish Release build for HPC2000 MIPS.

I made new web pages for easier downloading.

PythonCE 2.2+ Release build is now running
on my HPC2000 with MIPS processor.
The good news are;
 1. It's much faster than previous debug build.
 2. I've corrected About Dialog problem for HPC.
 3. My tweak for input() emulation works.
 4. Release Build, Debug build, and even 1.52+
   can coexist.
Down side;
 5. Somehow, _socket module is missing.
  (It was there in debug build... Maybe I did
   something wrong with project setting.)
 6. I'm having trouble with win32process, 
   and so execv() tweak does not work.
 7. regrtest shows "72 tests OK, 
  26 tests failed, 41 tests skipped".
 8. If you don't have site.py in the same
  directory as exe file, debug window will open.
Older, debug build for HPC2000 ARM is
still available, but I don't know 
if it really works or not.
I will make Release build for ARM in a few weeks,
most probably.

raw_input(), input(), sys.readline() emulation
can be done by modifying pccechell.
On my machine, it works fine.
Take a look at ceshellg.py in "Extra" section

of my web page.

By modifying site.py, which is imported first, 
and pcceshell.py, you can do many many things.
I have added primitive history and alias
to the interpreter shell.

To experiment PythonCE 2.2+ for HPC2000,
Download Brad's distribution for iPaq,
and replace exe, dll, pyd, pcceshell.py,
and some other .py files from my web page.

Exe and Dll files can be in any directory,
providing that you run python from there.
Associate .py with PythonCE22.exe with full path
for easier life.
Make a shortcut and copy it in Start menu directory.

Currently, I'm using a dummy site.py with
these lines in it.
  sys.stderr = open('py-stderr.txt','ab')
  sys.stdout = open('py-stdout.txt','ab')

All output and error message will be saved
until the Console windows starts up and
takes over the stderr and stdout.

Modify Python's library search path in site.py
or pcceshell as needed.

sys.path=['', '\\Storage card\\Python22\\Lib',
'\\Storage card\\Python22\\', '\\My documents']

Let me know if it works.

- telionce@yahoo.com -

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