[PythonCE] Start-up search path

Telion telionce@yahoo.com
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 09:38:04 -0800 (PST)

--- dale@riverhall.co.uk wrote:
> Could we have some way of overriding the path(s) Python checks on starting
> to locate the main Python directories. I have my files loaded into "Storage
> Card2\Program Files\Python"  but this doesn't work.

You may find what you need in this page.

> There was a little discussion about this recently but no solution that I
> could use.
> Is the source available online anywhere? I could probably make the necessary
> source hacks. Not sure I have the tools to recompile, though.

Source is here.

For how to develop Win CE software, consult MS-site.
Basically you need eVC (free from MS).

> Cheers.
> Dale Strickland-Clark
> Riverhall Systems Ltd. Custom database and Web applications.
> http://www.riverhall.co.uk
> Offices: London: 0870 321 0034 Wokingham: 0870 321 2378
> Mobile 0701 071 DALE (3253)

- telionce@yahoo.com -

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