[PythonCE] Minor update for PythonCE2.2+ HPC2000

Telion telionce@yahoo.com
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 15:32:40 -0700 (PDT)

--- goodey27@juno.com wrote:
> I put in the line of code you mentioned and it helped.
> If the new pcceshell.py has any other changes let me know .

No other modification, yet.
Later I will put easy history, and command log that could be replayed.

> I ment the .py version of win32* files.

Ahhh, there is no win32***.py file.
These are extension modules written in C (or C++) and compiled.
They come as .pyd.

>From the point of view of user,  .py, .pyc, and .pyd is not much different.
You just import, and use them.

I include .py in HPC2000 distribution because that may help
some user to understand and learn Python.
For .pyd files, if you want to see the source code, you have to get
source tree distribution. (It's big, because it ontains the surce for
all Python families including MAC and other OS specific code)

To learn how to use these win32*** modules, I think best way is to buy
the book written by Mark, who ported 1.52+ and created win32 extension.

Other than that, ActivePython for desktop machine contain
WinHelp for these win32*** modules, and eVC Help files tell the detail.

Another very good way is to learn from the example like pcceshell.py.

If you care to see the source code for win32gui.pyd, I uploaded it yesterday.
It is called win32gui.i and SWIG (wrapper generator) will produuce c++
source code from it. And then, C++ compiler and linker will produce dll file.
(.pyd is a dll file)

> I didnt try yet win32process.pyd, os.py, osce.py. Gotto wait when I have
> time

I updated osce.py with the info given by Carl.
So, get new one before to use.

> Thanks for all the help Telion
> Isr

Your very welcome, and you are actually helping me to find out
many things.
Your feedback is helpful in correcting problems, too.
Many others will benefit from your input.

Let me know when you try os.system and ther stuff.

- telionce@yahoo.com -

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