[PythonCE] pythoncom for pythonCE
Doug Marien
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 21:30:53 -0700
I have ported pythoncom to PocketPC 2002 (ARM) as well as pyexpat among
others, but they require changes to PythonCE for the imports to work. The
major changes are related to the reading of the registry keys for the python
path and other module locations.
It's not quite in a state for release since most of the changes were made as
I went, but I'd think it would be best to wait for a proper release from
-----Original Message-----
From: pythonce-admin@python.org [mailto:pythonce-admin@python.org]On
Behalf Of Telion
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 6:22 PM
To: PythonCE@python.org
Subject: Re: [PythonCE] pythoncom for pythonCE
--- Oliver Brand <brand@learninglab.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> has anybody seen a pythoncom implementation for
> PythonCE (Arm) ?
I'm not aware.
Maybe you can port it and share with us.
I have just finished building
Newer Python CE 2.2+ for ARM (HPC2000).
By using calldll modeule (and wrapper 'dll.py'),
you may be able to do a lot of thing if you know
how to call dll.
But I'm not sure about callback or COM.
- telionce@yahoo.com -
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