[PythonCE] Newbie error installing PythonCE22 on Jornada 720: "No module named ceshell"
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:40:17 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Roy,
Most probably, you have downloaded 1st version,
and you did not update to newer files correctly.
Check for the copies of pcceshell.py.
Probably, you have two copies of them in
different location.
If it is the case, rename the older one.
Also, you may not have placed site.py correctly.
Please try site.py in:
1. same directly where you put PythonCE22.exe and
dll files.
2. root directory "\\"
3. "\\storage card\\python"
And in the site.py, make sure to set sys.path
When you see the error dialog saying "traceback not
found," your sys.path setting is not correct.
You can activate some of print statement I put as a
comment, to follow how things are going.
Make sure that you have copied everything with the
original type cases.
Some people had difficulty because all filenames were
changed into uppercase somehow.
If it was the case, recopy everything, and overwrite
everything without changing case.
If you check and correct these points, probably Python
will start.
Let me know if it works.
--- rdev7@bigfoot.com wrote:
> Hi - I have been trying to install Python on an HP
> Jornada 720. I keep getting the error "'import
> site' failed - use -v for more detail" in the main
> console window, with a Python Error popup window
> that says "Traceback (innermost last): cant import
> traceback; exceptions.ImportError: No module named
> ceshell". Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
> I am using the file
> PythonCE22-HPC2000-ARM-020914.zip downloaded from
> http://pages.ccapcable.com/lac/files-a/. I unzipped
> that file and transferred the contents to a compact
> flash storage card on my Jornada. I have edited
> SITE.py so that the sys.path line reads sys.path =
> ['\\Storage Card\\Python22', '\\Storage
> Card\\Python22\\lib','\\My documents'], which is
> consistent with my Jornada's directory structure.
> After encountering these problems, I then tried a
> couple of superficial tactics to get Python to run,
> without success:
> - I looked in the Python22 directory and could not
> find a module or file called ceshell, so I made a
> duplicate of the file pcceshell.py and renamed it so
> that it was called "ceshell.py". Unfortunately I
> then got a different error, which was identical to
> the first error described above, except that the
> last message was "exceptions.ImportError: No Module
> named win32gui".
> - Finally, I transferred all the files from the
> storage card to the main disk of the Jornada, and
> changed the SITE.py sys.path variable accordingly.
> This made no difference and I still encountered the
> same problems as before.
> I'd really appreciate hearing about any tips or
> pointers towards resources that might help me.
> Thanks!
> Roy
- telionce@yahoo.com -
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