[PythonCE] Re : printing large variables, win32 Gui

Michael Foord Michael.Foord at tbsmerchants.co.uk
Fri Aug 15 09:19:12 EDT 2003

Hello Brad,

> > The input('') and rawinput('') functions don't seem to work.
> There's a win32gui function that's supposed to be used when running in 
> "Gui" mode.
> Ah, I can't think of the name of it right now.
> Anyone remember? Try a google search for "win32 input" or something, 
> sorry I can't
> remember off-hand.

Done an extensive google... can't find any reference to it :-( oh 
well... maybe someone will remember.

> > It hangs the device if asked to print large dictionaries or tuples.
> How large?

I have a routine that parses a text file of about 47kb and it crashes 
(python hangs and the 'top bar' of the operating system stops) when I 
just ask it to print the full parsed file. It will happily print 


Michael Foord 
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