[PythonCE] FW: python file association
Gil Fonea
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 14:38:27 +0200
Everybody, hi
I'm so glad right now because i managed to run python scripts by just
tapping the python file on the File Explorer(in my iPaq 3870 Pocket PC
I'd like to share the problem with you:
I couldn't associat .py files (with the PocketTweak application) to my
python application because the name of the application on the first screen
of the PocketTweak had spaces, so i change the name of the application
(which was "Pocket PC Python") to "Python".
It works! Thanks for the ideas, and hope to give some help too.
PS: can anyone tell me how can i join your forum (or whatever you call it)?
Fonea Gil
Application Engineering
Sandisk Corp.