AW: [PythonCE] python 2.3.4 hpc 2000

Daniel Nastase danielnastase at
Thu Aug 19 01:38:49 CEST 2004

The HPC2000 uses Windows CE 3.0. Because of this I
expect that it won't be just a matter of building for
a different processor type, but one would need to
further downgrade the code to Windows CE 2.0 which can
be time consuming. That's why I can't promise anything
as I don't have too much free time :(

Can you pls send me directly what your pda is and what
OS is using ? (I need to install the proper SDK) and
I'll give it a shot this week-end maybe we're lucky
and it just builds.


--- Anne Wangnick <anne.wangnick at> wrote:

>Hello Daniel and Brad,
>unfortunately, my HPC has an SH3 processor, not an
>ARM. Any chance to build
>for that processor type?
>Also, was I correct to assume that HPC 2000
>indicates Windows CE 2.0 (which
>is what runs on my HPC)?

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