[PythonCE] Python for Pocket PC

Johnny deBris johnny at debris.demon.nl
Fri Jul 2 04:22:33 EDT 2004

Are Johannessen wrote:

> Hello!
> I install  python2.2 + for my Pocket PC (Qtek).
> Are there some GUI available for this installation?
> I have used Tkinter GUI on linux/win platform.
> If there are some gui available on this python2.2 installation,
> is it like Tkinter??
> Or is the version smaller and more limited than Tkinter?
Ehrm, no Tkinter on that version at all, the only thing available that 
closely resembles a GUI toolkit is the rather antique win32gui package. 
There is, however, a Python 2.3 available *with* Tkinter here: 
http://debris.demon.nl/PythonCE-2.3 (it's somewhat 'experimental' but a 
lot seems to work quite okay).



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