WG: [PythonCE] The new distribution

Voidspace mike at pcblokes.com
Thu Jul 8 12:33:33 CEST 2004

Stuff, Andreas wrote:

>I have the same problems on my ipaq2210. The interactive mode is runnig
>well, but no script calling is possible. 

You're doing better than me then.
I haven't tried very hard yet - but I couldn't even get interactive mode 
going :-)
I've being trying to install it to my storage card though. Anyone know 
which of the files need to be in the windows directory and which can be 
in the same directory as python.exe (in my storage card) ? The dlls I 
guess - although that didn't work straight off.

Anyway - despite intial problems I really appreciate the work David is 
putting in on this.

There was also a 'hack' (change) to pcceshell to allow raw_input to work 
- I'd really appreciate this being included in the bew version. I'd also 
like to put my vote in for allowing multiple versions of the interpreter 
to run simultaneously.




>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Isr Gish [mailto:isrgish at fastem.com]
>Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2004 04:18
>An: pythonce at python.org
>Betreff: [PythonCE] Running scripts by double clicking
>I'm having problems running a script by double clicking I get a message,
>ImportError: No module named \My Documents\Python\<filename>
>This problem started with Version 2.3.4
>Pwease help
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