[PythonCE] Re: please help

Johnny deBris johnny at debris.demon.nl
Fri Oct 22 23:02:16 CEST 2004

Johnny deBris wrote:

> This mail got sent to me personally instead of to the list, hope 
> someone can answer this...
> Cheers,
> Guido
> DiPierro, Massimo wrote:
>> Hi everybody... first of all thank you for your work on Python for 
>> Windows CE.
>> I am trying to install Tkinter in a Pocket PC (axim X30). I am very 
>> familiar with Unix but not with windows CE.
>> Hope I can get some help.
>> I got pyhton and Tkinter from http://fore.validus.com/~kashtan/ and I 
>> installed as instructed. Python works fine. I can inport any modules 
>> but not "import Tkinter". I get the error: ImportError: No module 
>> named Tkinter.
>> Actually the module is in the file /Program 
>> Files/Python/Lib/Python23.zip (where all the other modules are).
>> tcl is installed in /tcl8.4.3 and the dlls are under /Windows
>> yes, I did the python registry setup.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Thank you,
>> Massimo

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